Caring-Motor-Injection-Cleaning-Throttle Body-Vixion
Mas bro gentlemen, sory ya can only be updated on this blog, know their name also bloggers 'ndeng-ndeng seerr': mrgreen: aka blogger no intentions: lol: so even though a lot of material but if the mood of his ane again not good yo lazy writing mas bro: mrgreen :: lol:
Ok just go ahead, because today is his day injection motors, so this time ane willing to share tips about caring little injection motors.
Her tips are about how to clean Throttle Body (TB) in one injection Yamaha sport bike is Yamaha Vixion. Well why use cleared anyway?? :?: Instead of the motor is maintenance-free injection?? :?: Hehehehe ... little bro mas lurusin ane injection engine that is not maintenance free but minimal maintenance, so it still needs to be treated but the treatment is not as often as the frequency of motorcycle carburetor, motorcycle carburetor so if at every 3000km required to disassemble for cleaning carburetor dalemannya like PJ, MJ and float chamber, then in that injection motors do not need to do that often, only when the odometer has entered the number 10 000-15000km advised to clean the injector with injector cleaner and clean the Throttle Body (TB) when the odometer has entered 35000km above figure, this is done by aim that the injection system is always 'healthy' and let the engine performance is preserved: D
Ok so the motor bike practice this time is Yamaha Vixion in 2010 ane school friend's first, the bike is still new but c may have the odometer 43ribuan: D, coincidentally he also complain if the bike is not as good as it used to be, so he asked for injection systems in check all: D.
Ok we start unloading n clean the Throttle Body (TB) was once az deh, unloading its easy anyway TB mas bro, like unloading carburetor so, even his Vixion TB unloading much easier than having to dismantle karbunya Jupie MX: P, living off air filter bolt fastener, fastening bolts in the intake manifold, unplug trus gas sensor sockets MAQS and FID already deh TB dislodged it: P.
You see her very appearance was dirty: roll ::?:. Hmmm .. if after a dislodged can simply be cleaned:?: Eiitsss .. Masbro wait, if you can not immediately cleaned up, but it would be nice if MAQS sensor and FID (Auto Choke) in detached first let me get maximum results and to prevent damage to the sensors due to exposure to chemical liquids and pressurized air from the compressor because it contains sensors MAQS some critical sensors such as Intake Air Pressure sensor (IAPS), Intake Air Temperature sensor (IATS) and a Throttle Position Sensor (TPS). Nyopotnya really easy to use small-size key star L T 20, but must be careful ya soale there is a rubber O-ring it, so the rubber O-ringnya it do not lose it if it is lost affairs are in trouble;)
Well if it is off all the sensors are now living have a container of gasoline and a little brush and prepare well pembersihnya fluid, if dibengkel place ane 'seeking knowledge' liquid pembersihnya use 3M brand from USA yah one packet each injector Cleaner its also from 3M.
If so yes stay cleaned az kayak mas bro clean the carburetor so, brushes, use spray cleaner, brushes again until clean and then spray use pressurized air from the compressor cepet let dry, calm az free sampeyan sprayers TB section anywhere without having to fear ngerusak sensor, the sensor was removed earlier: D, and the results jreeeennngggg: D
How the results:?: Clean the mas bro:? ::) Well although not shiny like new TB but yah already sizable than in the beginning was: P, Well if is clean like this ya live again stringing the sensors to TB and once again remind ane time off and reassembling the sensor carefully mas ya bro: D, if already yo TB just plug it into the motor again, wrong deh: D, how easy it mas bro care that injection motors:? :: D
Ok segini az ane's first update this time, if there is one-one word corrected n please forgive ya bro :) mas, mas bro if want to know the rest of how to treat ane-style injection motors, az pantengin continue this blog;) , well though rarely update: mrgreen: pantengin az continue pokok'e: mrgreen :: lol:
Ok mas bro just chewed her nglihatin super duper sweet smile of Ve: oops :: oops: * pingsanmendadak: oops:
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